memory of
Make a donation in honor of Sam to the West Palm Beach Library Foundation
in support of the Mandel Public Library and its free programs, services and resources
that enrich and strengthen our community.
Memories and Personal Messages
Patricia Eanet
In honor of Sherry Bindeman and David Kahn: Sending much love on your 40th (!!) wedding anniversary.
Patricia Eanet
In honor of Stan Guttenberg: In memory of a wonderful father, husband and friend. May his memory be a blessing.
Anita Havas
I knew Sam from the day of his very premature birth at GW Hospital and enjoyed watching him grow up into one amazing caring human being. The world needs more Sam's and the tragedy of his loss still hurts five years later.
Ellen Eule
In honor of Patricia Eanet loving mother of Sam Dratch
Judith Hallett
In honor of Patricia Eanet: Thinking of you and Sam
Tom Archer
In loving memory
Michael Klonsky
In honor of Dr. Joseph Eanet
Judith Hallett
In honor of Patricia Eanet: Thinking of you!
Mercedes Unda
In honor of Joseph, who is with Sam watching over Patti, who loves them and misses them dearly!
Sharen Eidelberg-Spratt
In memory of Sam Dratch.
Patricia Eanet
In honor of David Eanet: Happy Birthday D - we love you. Patti & Mikel
Kim and Beth Griffith
We have loving memories of Sam and his gentle ways of being a friend and helping others. We miss him.
Patricia Eanet
In honor of Bobbe Mintz on her 75th birthday.
Patricia Eanet
In honor of Mike Klonsky: Happy Birthday Mike! Wish we were there to celebrate with you!
June and Joe Eanet
In honor of Kelly Collins and Tom Houseman: We wish you great happiness in your life together! Mazel tov. Love, June Turchin and Joe Eanet
Donna DiTullio
Sam’s life is an inspiration
Danny Miller
This is for the Sam Dratch memorial fund, in memory of Sam.
Sherry & David Kahn
We will never forget the bright light that Sam exuded always, everywhere. And that light and our love for Sam will always shine brightly. He was loving and will always be loved.
Ed and Charlene Cohen and Barshefsky
We miss our Sam! Love, Charlene, Ed Mari and Devra.
Judith Hallett
Thinking of you.
Sharen Eidelberg-Spratt
In loving memory of Sam.
Patricia M Eanet
In honor of the happy couple, Kelly Collins and Tom Houseman on their big day! Wishing you a long, happy life together!
Rebecca Angel
In loving memory of Sam.
Donna DiTullio
In memory of Sam Dratch. You are missed and loved.
Judy & Brian Madden
In loving memory of Sam Dratch and the light he brought to his family and his community.
Patricia M Eanet
Sam's smile will always light my world.
Brenda Teplin Seidel
In honor and memory of Sam. A bright light that shines in all our hearts.
Rebecca Angel
In loving memory of Sam Dratch.
Peter Rutkoff
In loving memory of Sam Dratch.
Joanna Klonsky
With love.
Patricia M Eanet
In honor of Joseph Eanet, Sam's grandfather, on his 99th birthday.
Patricia M Eanet
Missing Sam always.
Joe and Erin Griffith
In honor of Sam's passion for service - something we all try to emulate, but can never live up to.
In memory of Sam Dratch.
Patricia M Eanet
Loving and missing Sam, always.
Joseph Eanet
This donation is made in loving memory of my grandson, Sam Dratch.
Susan Klonsky
In memory of Sam Dratch.
Laura Rodgers
Sam’s smile and compassionate heart shone brightly. He walked with my Father so tenderly at my niece’s wedding. I think of Sam very often as an example of love.
Sherry Bindeman & David Kahn
In loving memory of Sam Dratch, whose dedication to justice, sparkling smile, appreciation of this library, and most of all, love of his family, will always be an inspiration.
Donna DiTullio and Joe Giloley
In memory of Sam Dratch.
In loving memory of Samuel Dratch.
Patricia M Eanet
This donation to the Sam Dratch fund is made to honor Amanda Klonsky on her birthday.
Patricia M Eanet
This donation to the Samuel Drach Fund is made in memory of Kate Fieldsteel.
Karen and Dave Eanet
In honor of Patricia Eanet’s birthday.
Kathy and Richard Dunberg
Thinking of Sam today, and always.
Margy OHerron
In honor of Sam, a bright light who left us too soon.
Julie Miller Vick
I make a donation in memory of Sam Dratch whom I never got to meet in person but who, I have learned, was a wonderful, kind, and loving young man.
Scott Livingston
Aunt Claire and Uncle Scott miss Sam. So do Jacob and Noah. His smile, his laugh, are fine memories.
Brenda Seidel
In loving memory.
Anita Havas
His radiant smile and generous heart forever in my memory.
Rebecca Angel
Dear Joe, Best Wishes for a Happy and Healthy Birthday! Enjoy a wonderful celebration! Much Love, The Angel Family.
Patricia M Eanet
In honor of my father, Joseph Eanet, on his 98th birthday.
The Buzz Agency of Palm Beach
We wish we knew Sam. He sure seems like a strong leader with a good soul and a heart of gold. May he rest in eternal peace, and we will honor him for eternity. ❤️🙏🏻
Anne and Fred Klonsky
In memory of Sam Dratch.
Jonathan Saul Levine
Anyone that met Sam was a better person because of the experience.